Jesus himself introduced the concept of “True Worship” to a woman coming to draw water from a well at the hottest time of the day. He asked her for a drink of water, something a Jew should not have done at that time, even speaking to a Samaritan in the first instance! But He knew her need and offered her “Living Water” At this point Jesus crossed a social line as He proceeded to reveal his insight into the state of her life and her relationships. After considerable dialogue with her about where and how to worship God, Jesus spoke these words… “True worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth”. This way to worship Him is to be the honest response from our heart, which is based completely, and only, on our acceptance of His death and resurrection as that which completely covers our shortcomings (The Bible calls it ‘sin’) and totally frees us from all our guilt. Acceptance of His free gift to us releases us from the eternal consequences of unforgiven ‘sin’, because God is ‘just’ and His ‘Justice’ demands exactly what Jesus suffered in our place. Grateful, thankful hearts produce the true worship Jesus alone deserves. This is what He was speaking of…

Elim Sound – Worship Team